The function of the tire

Source: Wuyi Fengyuan Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co.Release time: 2022-04-16

Supporting the weight and load of the vehicle

To support the weight of the car body, people and luggage, the air volume and pressure inside the tires are mainly used to support the weight and load of the car body, so it is important to maintain the proper air pressure.

Transmitting drive and braking force

In order to make the car move forward or stop, it is necessary to transmit the power of the engine and brakes to the road, which is mainly through the friction of the rubber of the tires.

Change, keep the car direction

This function is mainly performed through the friction and elasticity of the tire rubber and the sturdiness of the tire structure. Once the speed exceeds the limit of the tire when turning, it will be impossible to move forward in the direction of the desired turn, which is very dangerous, so please pay attention to the driving speed when riding.

Relieving the impact from the road

This is also known as "riding comfort" performance, can ease the bumpy impact caused by the bumpy road, this function is mainly through the air volume and pressure inside the tire, rubber elasticity and tire structure elasticity, so the tire pressure is too high or too low can not, please maintain at the appropriate tire pressure.